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Your Voice Matters

If you have witnessed or have information about an unlawful activity, submit an online report or call us.

Your Report

Make sure you provide us with as much information as you can about what you know. All details matter.



Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe

Your report is anonymous by default, online or on a call, however, you can choose to provide your contact details for further information if you wish to.

Rest Assured

If you prefer to remain anonymous, we advise you to erase your web browser history or call. Your report will go straight to the appropriate agency and you will never be contacted by us.

Why Tell Us?

Would you say something about a crime or extreme criminal behaviour if no-one knew the information came from you?

If you have information about crime or extreme criminal behaviour, pass it on to Crime Stoppers anonymously and help create a safer New Zealand.

You're Anonymous

You can do something about crime!

Are you worried about what might happen if you talk to the Police about what you know?

Maybe you’ve seen or heard something about a crime but don’t know what to do.

Are you scared to come forward and be a witness?

Would you say something if no-one knew it was you?

If you feel like this, it’s easy to think there is nothing you can do. That’s where Crime Stoppers can help.

Our independent charity provides a unique service to help you speak up. Tell us what you know, not who you are.


We don’t record any personal details about you. We simply pass on the information and protect your identity.​

Your information makes a difference. It can help solve existing investigations or bring to light unknown criminal activity.

How to submit a report?



You can fill in our secure report form to give information online. We’ve provided some questions to help you tell us everything you know.

The information will be sent over a secure internet connection which makes sure you, and your computer, are anonymous.

By Phone


Call 0800 555 111 any time to talk to one of our experienced call takers.​ We will ask questions about the crime you have information on but will never ask questions about you.

Talking things through helps you provide the full picture and makes sure the best use can be made of your information. It’s a good idea to ring when you’ve got time to talk and won’t be disturbed.


We do not trace calls and destroy all records of any caller after passing our report to the relevant authority.​​

Calls to Crime Stoppers are free and don’t show up on a phone bill.

​Don’t use Skype or Internet calling services

As the anonymity of our callers is vital, please do not use Skype and internet calling services to call us. 

This is because we cannot guarantee your anonymity – other users on your computer may be able to find out you’ve called Crime Stoppers and it’s possible your computer could be located by its IP address.

If English isn’t your first language
Currently Crime Stoppers only takes calls in English. If English isn’t your first language and you don’t want to make a phone call, try writing in English on the report form.

What Do We Mean by Anonymous Reporting?
Red Turtle Neck Sweater

Anonymous means no one will ever know you contacted Crime Stoppers to pass on information about crime.


We know our guarantee to never ask for your name or reveal details of your call is vitally important to you. It makes it easier for you to come forward and break the silence around criminal activity.

    Anonymous means:

  • You will never be asked for your name.

  • Your call details will never be revealed to anyone.

  • Your call or secure online web form will not be traced.

  • You will not have to make a statement to the Police.

  • You will not appear in court.

We understand how hard it can be to call, which is why all our call takers are trained to help you tell us everything you know. We pass on any useful information to the relevant authorities, making sure your identity cannot be discovered. If you don't feel confortable calling, you have the option to submit an online form.


After your call or form submission, we create a report that brings together all the information you told us. Our call takers will check the report contains no information that might identify you.​ The report we create from your information goes to the agency best suited to deal with it. This could be your local Police or an agency such as Customs, Corrections or Immigration, depending on who has legal responsibility for dealing with the information you gave us. This may result in action being taken or it could be added to a bigger intelligence picture for later use.

If Your Information Goes to the Police

Most information goes to the Police. They have to thoroughly research the information you give us in order to act on it. This ensures information is correct and not given to us maliciously.

The Police cannot get a search warrant or make an arrest based solely on anonymous information – there needs to be other intelligence that supports Crime Stoppers’ information. The research they do on Crime Stoppers’ information means they can use it with confidence.

Once the information has been researched, the Police will allocate this to an appropriate officer or team to deal with. This could mean more research or action may be taken.

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